John Denvir

The Life Story of an Old Rebel (Esprios Classics)


"I owe both the title of this book and the existence of the book itself to the suggestion of friends. I suppose a man of 76 may be called “old,” although I have by no means given up the idea that I can still be of use to my country. And a Rebel? Yes! Anything of the nature of injustice or oppres...


"I owe both the title of this book and the existence of the book itself to the suggestion of friends. I suppose a man of 76 may be called “old,” although I have by no means given up the idea that I can still be of use to my country.

And a Rebel? Yes! Anything of the nature of injustice or oppression has always stirred me to resentment, and—is it to be wondered at?—most of all when the victims of that injustice and oppression have been my own people. And why not? If there were no rebels against wrong-doing, wrong-doing would prosper."

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