
The Laws of Etiquette (Esprios Classics)


“The formalities of refined society were at first established for the purpose of facilitating the intercourse of persons of the same standing, and increasing the happiness of all to whom they apply. They are now kept up, both to assist the convenience of intercourse and to prevent too great...


“The formalities of refined society were at first established for the purpose of facilitating the intercourse of persons of the same standing, and increasing the happiness of all to whom they apply. They are now kept up, both to assist the convenience of intercourse and to prevent too great familiarity. If they are carried too far, and escape from the control of good sense, they become impediments to enjoyment. Among the Chinese they serve only the purpose of annoying to an incalculable degree. ‚The government,‛ says De Marcy, in writing of China, ‚constantly applies itself to preserve, not only in the court and among the great, but among the people themselves, a constant habit of civility and courtesy.”

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