F. Colburn Adams

Siege of Washington, D.C. (Esprios Classics)


Francis Colburn Adams (1850–1891) was an American miscellaneous writer, formerly living in Charleston, South Carolina, who wrote under various pseudonyms. His works include: Manuel Pereiera; or, The Sovereign Rule of South Carolina (1853), Our World; or, The Democrat's Rule (1855...


Francis Colburn Adams (1850–1891) was an American miscellaneous writer, formerly living in Charleston, South Carolina, who wrote under various pseudonyms. His works include: Manuel Pereiera; or, The Sovereign Rule of South Carolina (1853), Our World; or, The Democrat's Rule (1855), Justice in the By-Ways: A Tale of Life (1856), Life and Adventures of Major Roger Sherman Potter (1858), An Outcast (1861), Siege of Washington for Little People (1867) and The Von Toodleburgs; or, The Memoirs of a Very Distinguished Family (1868).

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