Frank Dilnot

Lloyd George (Esprios Classics)


Frank Dilnot (1875–1946) was an English author and journalist, born in Hampshire. He was educated privately and began as a newspaper reporter in 1900 on the staff of the Central News, London, which he left two years later for the Daily Mail (1902–10). He was editor of the Daily Citizen...


Frank Dilnot (1875–1946) was an English author and journalist, born in Hampshire. He was educated privately and began as a newspaper reporter in 1900 on the staff of the Central News, London, which he left two years later for the Daily Mail (1902–10). He was editor of the Daily Citizen, a British labour organ (1912–15), and thereafter was a correspondent for the Daily Chronicle to investigate social and economic conditions in England. In 1916–19, he was president of the Association of Foreign Correspondents in America, and in the latter year, editor of the Globe.

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