Annie Payson Call

As a Matter of Course (Esprios Classics)


Annie Payson Call (1853–1940) was a Waltham author. She wrote several books and published articles in Ladies' Home Journal. Many articles are reprinted in her book Nerves and Common Sense. The common theme of her work is mental health. Her works include: As A Matter of Course (1894),...


Annie Payson Call (1853–1940) was a Waltham author. She wrote several books and published articles in Ladies' Home Journal. Many articles are reprinted in her book Nerves and Common Sense. The common theme of her work is mental health. Her works include: As A Matter of Course (1894), The Freedom of Life (1905), Man of the World (1905), Every Day Living (1906), How to Live Quietly (1914) and Nerves and the War (1918).

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